Doubts about ELF pronunciation 2 – weak forms

In this second post about doubts about ELF pronunciation I want to respond to two questions about weak forms: 1. … regarding the use of weak forms, the LFC states that they are not to be taught (unless the student’s needs are for EFL) so speakers are encouraged to use the strong form of the word. In […]

Nex week

When I was in the UK over Xmas I came out of the cinema after seeing The Imitation Game (nothing to do with pronunciation, but still brilliant) and was confronted with this  store sign (also nothing to do with pronunciation and only three-quarters brilliant). It could be that the ‘t’ had simply failed to light up, though I like to think that […]

‘Castles’ in the air

International flights are a great opportunity to see English working as a lingua franca. When you take off from Zurich to Madrid as I did the other day, the safety demonstration and other standard messages that you get over the speakers are not aimed at native speakers, and usually aren’t given by native speakers. It was interesting […]

‘painball’ – extreme sport?

Paintball has been around for some time now. I’ve seen it advertised alongside other adventure sports but have never been tempted, although I have heard that at close range the capsules containing the ‘paint’ (water soluble dye), can actually sting on impact. What was interesting, however, was to come across this Spanish company that had […]