Blog posts

What makes a good coursebook?

Practical examples about how a good coursebook supports effective goal setting. Go to blog.

Best ways to support intermediate students

A look at how teaching intermediate students differs from teaching tsudents at other levels. Go to blog.

Pronunciation for Young Learners

What should we be doing with pronunciation in the upper primary classroom? Go to blog.

Pronunciation Matters – Part 1

Pronunciation can be tricky  for both learners and teachers, but it is a vital skill for students if they want to understand and be understood in the real world. Go to blog.

Pronunciation Matters – Part 2

Go to blog.

Brave New World English

Considerations on the vital role that English now plays in global business and communications, and  the increasing importance of English as a Lingua Franca. Go to blog.

The Globalisation of English: Implications for the Language Classroom.

A guest post about English going global on Madalena Cruz-Ferreira’s website ‘Being Multilingual’. Go to blog.